My First day.
Thursday, December 11, 2008phew, my ass numb-ed! sat for 6hrs listen to BM language in a air-cond room without any jacket with 30 people, remember-ing & jotting down the notes, even woke up around 7:30am and arrive Segambut around 8something and report yourself for the undang class, trust me, don ever got to undang class alone and sit there for 6hrs,
im alone in the lesson, sitting aloe, everything alone.
well, learnt something new. taking my undang test next week.
reach back to ss2 around 4, home after that. did not plan to sleep no matter how sleepy, how tiring am i but atlast i slept for 1hr before dinner. hahas. was starving the whole day, did not eat anything.. even nearly got gastric, awww. but im okay now. hahaas, eat loads during dinner & takken supper, gosh!
how to diet ?
i've rejected that office work due to my stupidness reason, accepted 1U promoting and start working next week, it's only work 1week. dont forget to inform me if ther's any roadshow or promotion.
okay, i shall got through some webs as usual and sleep =D gonna see my baby tmr! happy much!!!