It's all Whatever.
Wednesday, January 07, 2009Had a friggin so called big-arguement with one of my family members. I dont want to but it's suppose to. Whatever!
right, grrrr.
wooo, busy today. went to digital mall to do something to my lappy, then went to collect my spec that i sent to repair ytd, then went to bank and so stupid. MayBank totally stupid! U need your License, L or P and your college student card, and ofcourse your IC to apply a Debit Visa Card. WTH? U must have that three cards to apply in MAYBANK! no choice, my mom wants to me choose MBB and I prefer their Debit Visa Card cause it's much nicer than the others one, so wait lor. =/
uhhh, tmr gotta go 1U again for interview, disssh!!!!
Gawd! I need to buy more diamonds, my diamonds are all used on my spec case & contact case and now gonna finish and i need it! grrrllll!! wanna see my spec case? Superb cute ^^ will picture it when it's done. But currently need more diamonds to finish it. =(
Went to update that blog today =)
It's not my fault i dont want to play pet society everyday like what i used to last time. It's all because pet society takes an hour to load la my gawd! damn stupid. once it finish loading I nvr want to close it. cos i dont wanna wait another hour for it to load man, see? now it's loading, it's already like 20minutes gone and still loading soooo little. GRRR.!