dae (:
Saturday, February 23, 200822 feb 08
after schl.. go to my dear's hse n we wash car together.. hehehe..
washwashwash ~ " splash " .. haha i splash water to him den he take revenge.. so we both wet d.. lol =.= .. after wash car we go bath den we order pizza hut eat..
yummy ~~
atnite.. after 1st tuition..
me n he was on da fone..
den his talking abit lound i ma tel lhim back la..
" was abit argue bout sometihng "
den he say i argue cux outsiders, den say ' sam tam '
i wan to explain but i decided not to..
i tahan my tears.. n off da fone~
23 feb 08
todae.. going out wit my class " 5 mawar " to 1u ~
so im now going to put on my mask 1st.. den go bath.. den oni ready go out..
but im worrying bout my transport. ~
NO ! im NOT going to waste my money on cab~ cox i got oni RM50 for todae ~ kesian me ok ? hehehe
( to be continue )
okay.. continue here now~
so after i reach 1u.. i saw kenneth.. den me n him together go meet up sam n josh.. den i go find shareen @ GTZ..
after dat.. we all go to rainforest..
hong sang n de others duno who laa.. they go play snooker d..so we dont care them d..
n after taking class picture..
den we all groups seperated~ (:
me , shareen, ken, sam, josh we 1st go to dreamworld~ lol..
after taking da 1st machine photo~
den me, shareen n sam plan to take another one~
but in sudenly.. chin hong sang~ he say he want to take picture.. we say too late for it.. den he keep say he want n MUST~ so we like WTH~~~~ fine.. shareen, josh n ken go find them~ den me n sam decided to wait them at dreamworld..
after shareen back.. we take another machine again~ keke..
den we walkwalk ~ feel so hungry so we go to wong kok have lunch~
after lunch shareen tot wanna go to play bowling den me n sam go to arcade there..
so since de bowling is too full so shareen n josh come up to arcade (:
30mints later~ shareen go back.. so me, josh, ken & sam.. we are eating LOLIPOP~ hahahaa.. we call us as the " LOLIPOP GANG " .. swt ^^
ok so dat all for todae.. picture"s" i'll update few days later ya (: