Always remember the one beside you or around you.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

I don't understand , i just cant control my finger from pressing down the "enter" button right after typing the title. (-_*)\ペち

Happy Birthday To Bee, my beloved and my only elder Sister.
I love you!
p/s: sorry to delay your present.

Happy birthday to Kelvin K. classmate of mine in coll.
All the best!


taaaaa, awww. i miss my birthday celebration. and also a lil feeling guilty for someone who i lefted out. IMB ♥

omg, this few days are totally pretty much tired like forgodsaken (-_-)zzz . my first nightshift for my LA which is ytd, it's more fun v(=∩_∩=) get to see the night view of my coll. and this morning my second morningshift. last week was my first time. _(^^) I prefer morning and night shift i think, insted of the middle shift. hahaha .. ヽ(´▽`)/

okay, must not left this out from my blog. Bee, aka my jie bought me and my sis 4 pieces of pink pussycat 's . the reason we love her so much is because she love us too much!! *huggies* ♪ d(⌒o⌒)b♪

i just forgot what i wanna continue φ(.. ), was helping mummy for her ipod. tsk! nvm, wanna bedtime . nighty! (◎-◎)

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