Happy Rabbit Year ! :D 2011 .
Thursday, February 03, 2011Hello peepo, how's your family reunion dinner/lunch? (: Before i continue with mine, let's back to the previous one.
As i mentioned in my previous post that im going for an operation for my both toes. It's fully done on the Tuesday, Checked in at around 1030am, in Tropicana Medical Centre. Then the nurses sent me in to the operation surgery room at around 12 and everything done after an hour like that, when i awake it's around 2, then they sent me back to my room (:
Wow wow! haha, i dint see when my doctor do the dressing for me after that, i almost cried the whole progress from they sent me in to the operation room till i balik rumah, cause my hand felt so painful and mean while there's no one to help me out when i need to take something and eat and bla bla .. and ofcos they putted me to sleep when the operation.
I can walk but will abit like orang cacat walking, ): No pretty shoes for me for few months, no nice food for me for 3 months, and so i gotta leave my new pretty shoe under my bed now ): Big Sob.
overall we had fun eating and yes, Jieyi dint get to eat SHARK FIN SOUP ): and some nice food like prawns and stuff .. Then we off to Tropicana City mall to watch Home Coming, with my Aunt, Lil Cousin and two sisters. Surprised that i can go for shopping aye? :D I even bought two new dress. LOLs!
At least i get to have my Tutti Frutti (:
Geeee :D
Oh, not forget to mention that me and mom baked our homemade Pineapple tart, in heart shape (:
It's 大年初一today, a must have 莲子糖水, (:
Will back to update more soon :D