This is gonna be full of words post.
Hi lovelies. June is about to end and July is next. Half year passed so quickly, time flies. I'm not quite sure if I've did any thing yet, neither achieved anything yet. Life sucks. My semester 1 of final year is coming to an end too. I didn't make this a good sem. First time. Sigh. Biggest mistake i ever did.
Went Velvet last night, trying to be good today at home. Apparently the urge is growing. Was supposed to party at Setapak Beer Fac grand opening, free flow of heineken from 6pm - 2am. But I've decided not to go as my promised to party & drink lesser. Sometimes the urge is a killer.
The second half of the year, not sure if I can achieve anything which I personally don't think so. Getting a camera by end of July, any recommendations? Company annual kick start trip in July, not sure if I should go, haven close any sales/cases for ages. Jay Chou concert in Aug, but not excited at the moment cus I've burnt my purse really bad for it. Promised myself not to get anything at the concert, burnt a thousand in his previous concert, refer to this post . Checked his merchandises for this coming concert, prices are higher than previous merchandises and not that attractive. Except for few items but it's costly + hugh financial issue this year, so let's not increase the burden.
Final year is really tough for me, with zero interest, zero passion, zero knowledge. Basically I've lost them since year 2. That is part of the reason I deferred. Let's not elaborate more in this topic. Conclusion, not sure if i can make it to graduation one day though I've once again dragged it longer. Sigh.
Oh well, Diet plan failed as always. Managed to lose weight & slimmed down abit previously then I'm bloated again after 2 weeks. Hahaha.. I just love foods, can't resist from 'em. & that's where most of my money burnt all the time, instead of apparels & accessories. Oh, burnt alot in cosmetics this year. & plenty more to burnt, long list of my future-buying cosmetics. Girls-being-girls.
Guess enough of words for now. Goodnight love.